In the article, Zen Teachings on God and How to Get His Help, Master Suzuki explains that as soon as we start to take credit and emphasize our egos, forgetting that everything comes from God, we are lost. Yes, a Zen master supposedly from a religion, Buddhism, which does not acknowledge God, explaining that remembering God at all times, is the key to freedom and non-attachment. Shunryu Suzuki on God Consciousness:Īnother unlikely master to speak about the importance of God and God Consciousness is Zen Master Shunryu Suzuki. This practice of awareness is another way of saying remember God Consciousness, remember you are the Great Witnessing, you are the Great Silence, Infinite, Endless and Timeless, and when you loose this Witnessing Consciousness, you are lost in the world of the ego, mind and dualism.

Krishnamurti on the Flowering of Goodness, Krishnamurti puts the importance of God a little differently by saying, “In consciousness there is the good and the bad the bad is increasing it is increasing because the good has become static, the good is not flowering.” And he goes on to explain that “bad”, is anything that gives importance to the ego, and that this flowering of Goodness is the practice of Awareness. There are many ways in which the great Masters have tried to impart this wisdom to us, many ways in which they have tried to stress the importance of this upon us, but unfortunately we get caught up in the drama of our little lives, and forget God. The problem with forgetting the substratum, forgetting God, forgetting the One Consciousness, is that then everything leads to attachment and misery. Upon this substratum then, the game of life is played out. We cannot be reminded enough that everything is God Consciousness. God Consciousness Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo Mantra